About Our Team
Ecotope maintains an interdisciplinary staff of engineers, statisticians, physicists, mathematicians, analysts, and operations specialists all passionate about decarbonization and energy conservation.Susanne Brown, CPD, GPD
Lead Plumbing Designer
Bob Davis
Senior Field Engineer
Mark Frankel, AIA,
LEED Fellow
Principal, Policy and Programs
Millen Ghebreab
Director of Finance
Katie Glore
Mechanical Project Engineer
Evan Green
Research Engineer
Morgan Heater, PE, BEMP, LEED
Senior Mechanical Engineer, Project Manager
Jon Heller, PE
President, Principal of Technology Transformation
Ellen Johnson
Business Development Coordinator
Madison Johnson
Data Analyst
Zamora Lucas, BEMP
Energy Modeler
Seth McKinney
Policy and Programs Manager
Karen Morse
Program Coordinator
Gia Mugford
Technical Analyst
Andrew Murphy
Building Information Modeling Technician
Henry Odum, PE
Director, Design and Engineering
Shawn Oram, PE
Principal, Design and Engineering
Laurent Porter
Accounting Manager
Scott Spielman, PE
Director, Technology Transformation
Treasa Sweek, PE, CCP, LEED AP
Sr. Manager, Commissioning and Field Services