Morgan Heater, PE, BEMP, LEED AP
Senior Mechanical Engineer
Morgan Heater has worked in high-efficiency mechanical systems for buildings since 2003, specializing in existing building audits and retro-commissioning, high performance mechanical system design, energy modeling for building energy use optimization, and solar thermal systems. He has designed mechanical systems for multifamily residential, large commercial, hospitality, laboratory, and educational facilities.
As a leading participant in the optimization of wholly integrated mechanical systems, he works directly with owners, architects and contractors. Morgan has lead audit work for the City of Seattle, Port of Seattle, and City of Issaquah buildings, supporting municipal asset planning and energy use reduction efforts. He is a certified Building Energy Modeling Professional (BEMP) and has modeled hundreds of buildings in various climates and building types and has a sound understanding of proven energy efficiency measures for a wide range of occupancies.
M.S., Mechanical Engineering, University of Colorado
B.A., Mechanical Engineering, Dartmouth College
Mechanical Engineer: Washington
Building Energy Modeling Professional (BEMP)
LEED Accredited Professional
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE)
Rock climbing, mountain biking, fruit trees, urban foraging, pie